Thursday, June 14, 2007

Don’t Stop. . .

And so ends the final episode of the Sopranos which we were fortunate enough to see on our last weekend in the United States for the next two years. And perhaps it is a good mantra for us over the next two years. We are currently in Washington, DC completing our staging as Peace Corps volunteers just a short distance from the White House. In the morning, we will finally be leaving the country for our assignment. We will spend Saturday night in Johannesburg, South Africa and on Sunday night we will be living with a Malagasy host family in Madagascar. We are essentially isolated with our host family for the first 10 weeks so there will be no postings or internet access for us before August 28th at the earliest. We appreciate and greatly look forward to any and all correspondence. Trust that our ability to retrieve and respond may be limited at best, but don’t let this deter you.

It’s been nearly a month since we have left the Bay Area. Much of this time was spent experiencing the pinnacles and nadirs of family life coupled with the joys and exhaustion of traveling. We have been in San Diego, New York City, Daytona Beach, Florida and Portland, Maine. We are providing an external link through which you can view the pictures that we post. Simply click on ‘Our Pictures, under the Picture Link heading and then click on the respective album- we have just posted one entitled ‘pre-Madagascar’. One of the most inspiring things has been meeting this particular group of Peace Corps volunteers with whom we are deploying. There is a lot of excitement, positive energy and desire to actually go out and make a difference. We are excited to do our part!

1 comment:

Egan Ehlers said...

I look forward to interesting/funny/weird/poignant stories. Don't forget to check out my blog too @ Good luck. Sid